Henry Ford once said, “anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” We couldn’t agree more Henry! Here at The Music Place, we believe that whether you’re a young nipper or matured like a fine wine, learning music keeps your brain active and your soul happy, and you can’t ask for fairer than that! We sat down with some of our youngest and oldest students to find out what they love about their music lessons.
Ollie Jeffrey- 7 years old, Studies piano with Gareth
How long have you been playing piano, Ollie?
About a year.
Why did you decide to learn ?
Because when I’m older I want to be a paediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, and it helps to be able to move your fingers quickly so you can sew up the stitches.
What’s your favourite thing about your lessons?
I like it all really, probably memorizing all the tunes
And, what is your favourite song?
‘Sunrise’, one of my piano pieces. I can play it off by heart!
What would you say to a young person thinking about starting lessons?
It’s fun!
Gym Mines, 85 years old – Studies singing with Charlie , much loved member of The Music Place Choir and Vibrant Voices
How long have you been singing, Gym?
I’ve been singing all my life. My Grandson used to say, ‘why are you always singing, Grandpa?’ My sister was a singer as a child and taught me lots of songs. I’ve been having singing lessons for about a year and a half and sing in the Music Place choir as well as Vibrant Voices.
I first came to The Music Place about seven years ago, used to bring my wife to Vibrant Voices as she had Parkinson’s and later dementia. After she sadly passed away, I carried on coming to Vibrant Voices as I enjoyed the singing and socialising, in 7 years I have only missed it twice!
I then joined the choir and wanted some help with my singing as I knew my breathing wasn’t right so I started singing lessons with Charlie.
What’s your favourite thing about your lessons?
I just enjoy singing, I’ll sing anything apart from Roll out the Barrel!
What kind of music do you like in general?
All sorts- classical, modern. I’m not a great lover of rock n roll. My favourite singer is Jackie Wilson, I like singing his songs.
What would you say to someone thinking about taking up lessons later in life?
I’d say go for it!
Charlotte Smith- 6 years old- Studies Piano with Sarah
How long have you been playing piano, Charlotte?
Since my birthday in November, it was a present from Nana.
Good job Nana!
Why did you decide to learn ?
Because I thought it looked fun!
What’s your favourite thing about your lessons?
I like playing jelly on a plate.
And, what is your favourite song?
‘Into the unknown’, in Frozen 2
What would you say to a young person thinking about starting lessons?
It’s fun!
Isaac Osborne, 7 years old – Studies ukulele with Kirk
How long have you been playing the ukulele, Isaac?
A year or two
Why did you decide to learn ?
When I heard music I thought it sounded nice. I heard someone playing in Altrincham.
What’s your favourite thing about your lessons?
Hearing the songs I’m going to learn.
And, what is your favourite song?
Luigi’s Mansion Three- Switch Game (Nintendo)
What would you say to a young person thinking about starting lessons?
It’s a good idea to start, it will be fun. Ask your teacher if you’re not sure of anything.
Very wise.
Sheila Gracie, 85 years old – Studies Singing with Clare and enjoys singing with her husband at Vibrant Voices
How long have you been singing, Sheila?
80 years!
What’s your favourite thing about your lessons?
The way it makes you feel! And Clare! Clare was the only person who could change my range. I can sing more stuff now in Vibrant Voices than I ever could.
What kind of music do you like?
Ah! I love all music. If you look in my collection I’ve got everything bar rap and pop.
What would you say to someone thinking about taking up lessons later in life?
Go for it! Best thing you can do. Keep learning. Providing you’ve got somewhere like The Music Place, go for it.
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
So there you go…proof that with enthusiasm and a love of music, anyone of any age can learn an instrument !
Thanks to Gym, Sheila, Isaac, Charlotte and Ollie for chatting to us! Have a lovely week everyone.